Saturday, February 3, 2024

Who Is ORJI KALU, What Do You Know About Him ??? – Bernard Francis

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For a man, who barely sleep three (3) hrs out of the 24 hrs given by nature in a day, it is of good detailing to enable us appreciate, what the over 21hrs of his daily activities represents, as expressed in the successes of the most Distinguish Senator Orji Uzor Kalu, for the proper guide and understanding of our younger voters ahead of the 2023 elections .

Gleaned from good parental upbringings, Senator Orji Uzor Kalu, was quick to understand the relative issues bordering the society. In his early stage, his relationship with people and his humane consciousness gave him the rise and directions to work hard in other to be relevant to the society.

* Kalu As An Activist

As a freedom fighter and Activist, Senator Orji Uzor Kalu, was pronounce during the ‘Ali must go’ riot. A riot against the education minister at that time. His activism earned him and other comrades, suspension by the University of Maiduguri.

Vindicated by the University’s authority, the call on Orji Kalu, to return back to the University, in exclusion of other Comrades, involved in the riot was turned down by a patriotic Comrade. What a sacrifice he made… So many people would jump into such offer, as in the case of Senator Orji Uzor Kalu, he rejected the offer and requested that all the Comrades, suspended during the ‘Ali must go’ riot, be reinstated by the school authority, and not by individual selections. This action terminated his study as a political sience student at the University of Maiduguri…

Who’s Orji Kalu?? He is indeed an Uncommon Patriotic Personality.

* Orji Kalu and Business

Knowing the importance of buying and selling, been the trademark of his origin, as a practical Igbo man, Orji Kalu, took a loan, not from the banks, but from his mother, Lady Chief Eunice Kalu, to start business.

Equipped with the knowledge and the value of palm oil in the Northern market, his resiliency, resulted to moving palm oil from the East to the North and at same time, engaging in other businesses such as furnitures, as he also got a contract to furnish one of the complex in the University of Maiduguri, where he once attended.

As flourishing he was in business, Orji Kalu’s public capacities increased into the build of conglomerate. His wide range of transactions encroached into countries of the world. As young he was, the utility of the contacts around him, gave him an edge to succeed beyond questions.

*Educational Background

With the halt to his studies at the University of Maiduguri, Senator Orji Kalu’s, educational background was complimented with degrees. Earlier in his life, he went through primary and secondary education tutelage under Christ the King School, Aba and Eziama High School respectively before joining Government College, Umuahia.

To crown his educational carrier with degrees, Orji Kalu, continued his tertiary at the Abia State University, Uturu. In his search for more knowledge, Orji Kalu went to Harvard University to acquire a degree in Business Administration. The beauty of Senator Orji Kalu’s struggles as many would say, earned him an honorary doctorate degree in the University of Maiduguri.

* Orji, Paid His Dues To The Nation

With so much responsibilities and the need to make good laws that can encourage international relationship, the need to be part of the law making arms of governance, saw Orji Kalu, in the representative wing of the National Assembly, in the 90’s.

As young he was, the push for Dual Citizenship couldn’t be possible, if Senator Orji Kalu was not involved in the sponsorship of the Bill. He also represented Nigeria in the deliberations of the Dual Citizenship at the Congress, in the United States.

Most Nigerians enjoying Dual Citizenship today, don’t know how it came about. It’s an effort from leaders like Orji Uzor Kalu, as at when he was very young, paying his dues in his commitments to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The desire of Orji Uzor Kalu, to reach out through the institution of governance grew, as he became the governor of Abia state from 1999 into 2007. With much done, with the little allocations from the Federal government, Orji Uzor Kalu, was named an ‘Action Governor’, which portrayed his responses and commitments to his rural and urban developmental strides, enveloped with some policies made, such as the free education for all, the free medical care scheme, policies that enhanced agriculture, as he also added value to Abia State economy by fighting for the inclusion of the State, in the 13% derivation funds received by the oil producing states, which his administration didn’t benefit from.

Overwhelmingly recoded in the history achieves of Abia State by Dr Orji Kalu, was his utmost concerns about education and the youths. The payment of ‘Bursary’ to all indigenous Abia state students, studying in all locations in the world, till date, remained an unbroken record by successive administrations. It’s pitiful to note that some Abia state students, after the eight (8) years of Orji Kalu, as the governor of Abia state, do not know what the payment and usefulness of ‘Bursary’ is to students, who are also the active youths.

It’s of good note to remind all Abia State students, what value, Senator Orji Kalu impacted to their educational carrier, while he was the governor of Abia state.

* Orji Kalu’s Wide Public Acceptance

Abia North people, have great convincing trust on the capacities of Sen. Orji Uzor Kalu, to represent the District in the Red Chambers, having much pedigree and distinct ways of finding solutions to societal issues. He is publicly and generally accepted.

Sen. Kalu’s wide range contacts are beyond the unimaginable. His contacts, stretches from friendship to family. Such strong charactered personality is devoted and can espouse good governance, knowing the heart beats of the people. Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, is not Fanatic, Sectarian neither is he a bigot to tribal and religious sentiments, which makes him a Nationalist, Generally accepted and at same time, can be Trusted.

* Orji Kalu’s Relationship With His Workers

As a big employer of labor and in his ways of life, most highly placed politicians and businessmen, are mystified by the relationship that exists between Sen. Orji Uzor Kalu and his workers. They get amazed with the way -OUK sit to discuss issues of relevance, compared to how other politicians keep their workers, at arms length. It’s most interesting to know that, as a complex leader with great values, Orji Uzor Kalu, is more than an Institution of learning. He loves sharing views, ideas or opinions. On the other hand, Sen. Orji Kalu, will not fail to spike nor discipline any of his staff, for wrong doing, no matter how closely attached, such a staff is to him. However, One thing Orji Kalu will not do, is to humiliate anyone.

*Orji Kalu The Achiever

The performance of the 9th Senate Chief Whip, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, in four years as the Senator, representing Abia North District, is expected of his caliber. Proven by his vigorous distribution of roads, rehabilitation of schools, provision of water, socioeconomic Empowerments given to people in the five LGA of his District, on top of his numerous Bills sponsored as his primary duties in the Senate. It can be proudly said that Orji Kalu has prolifically performed, above expectations.

How well, the three (3) hours sleep of Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, for these over 30 years, had fared, is transmitted by the productiveness that the 21 hours, available to engage with the complexity of the world, Family, Business, Politics and the Friendships, built around him.

Abia North is an envy of so many Senatorial Districts in Nigeria. Many Districts, wish to have Senator Orji Kalu, to represent them, for his responsiveness to public Woes.

As the 2023 elections gather momentum, it’s of great essence to calibrate our young voters, for them not to be deceived, but to vote wisely and Senator Orji Uzor Kalu has defined good representation, in less than four (4) years in Abia North. His return to the Senate will bring Newer dimensions to the standard of living of the people of Abia North and to Nigeria in all entirety.

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